"Akari Ahad Ka Muglia Hindustan" by Dr. Mubarak Ali delves into the intricate history of Mughal India, exploring its cultural, political, and social dimensions. The book provides a comprehensive analysis...
"Akbar Ka Hindustan" by Dr. Mubarak Ali provides an insightful exploration into the reign of Emperor Akbar, focusing on the cultural, political, and social transformations that marked his rule. The...
"Akbar Se Aurangzeb Tak" by W.H. Moreland, translated by Jamal Muhammad Siddique, provides an in-depth economic analysis of the Mughal Empire from Akbar's reign to Aurangzeb's. The book examines the...
"Akbar The Great Mughal" by Ira Mukhoty presents an in-depth exploration of Akbar's reign, emphasizing his innovative leadership and the extensive cultural, political, and social transformations he brought to India....
"Changez Khan sy Jahangir Tak" by Dr. Sajid Amjad is a comprehensive historical account that explores the significant epochs and rulers of the Mongol and Mughal empires, focusing on the...